Ballantyne Lab


* denotes a graduate student | ** denotes an undergraduate

For the most recent publications, please visit Ford's Google Schoolar Page.

In Preparation, In Review, or Under Revision

Ballantyne, F., C. Song*, M. Douglas, J. Jones, J. Kominoski, W. McDowell, D. McMaster, M. Trentman, and W. K. Dodds. Inter-biome thermal performance of whole stream metabolism.

Mellard, J., T. Anamza**, F. W. DeNoyelles, C. A. Lehmeier, C. Song*, and F. Ballantyne. Aggregate material flux is a better predictor of ecosystem response to perturbation than species composition.

Song, C*., W. K. Dodds, J. Ruegg, A. Argerich, C. Baker, W. Bowden, M. Douglas, K. Farrell, M. Flinn, E. Garcia, K. Gido, A. Helton, T. Harms, S. Jia, J. Jones, L. Koenig, J. Kominoski, W. McDowell, D. McMaster, S. Parker, A. Rosemond, C. Ruffing, K. Sheehan, M. Trentman, M. Whiles, W. Wollheim, and F. Ballantyne. Interaction between physiology and environmental heterogeneity determines discrepancies in stream metabolism across spatial scales


Wieder, W. R., Pierson, D., Earl, S., Lajtha, K., Baer, S., Ballantyne, F., Berhe, A. A., Billings, S., Brigham, L. M., Chacon, S. S., Fraterrigo, J., Frey, S. D., Georgiou, K., de Graaff, M.-A., Grandy, A. S., Hartman, M. D., Hobbie, S. E., Johnson, C., Kaye, J., Kyker- Snowman, E., Litvak, M. E., Mack, M. C., Malhotra, A., Moore, J. A. M., Nadelhoffer, K., Rasmussen, C., Silver, W. L., Sulman, B. N., Walker, X., and Weintraub, S. 2021. SoDaH: the SOils DAta Harmonization database, an open-source synthesis of soil data from research networks, version 1.0. Earth System Science Data 13,18431854.


Ruegg, J., F. Ballantyne, D. T. Chaloner, P. S. Levi, C. Song*, J. L. Tank, S. D. Tiegs, and G. A. Lamberti. 2020. Understanding the Relative Roles of Salmon Spawner Enrichment and Disturbance: A High-Frequency, Multi-Habitat Field and Modeling Approach. Frontiers in Ecology and Evolution 8:19.


Machmuller, M., F. Ballantyne, D. Markewitz, A. Thompson, N. Wurzburger, P. Frankson, and J. Mohan. 2018. Temperature sensitivity of soil respiration in a low-latitude ecosystem varies by season and habitat but is unaffected by experimental warming. Biogeochemistry 141:63-73.

Vorobev. A., S. Sharma, W. B. Whitman, P. M. Medeiros, F. Ballantyne, B. Washington*, J. Lee*, M. Yu*, and M. A. Moran. 2018. Short-term shifts in bacterioplankton gene expression patterns as sensors of labile marine DOM. Environmental Microbiology 30(8):3012-3030.

Song, C*., W. K. Dodds, J. Ruegg, A. Argerich, C. Baker, W. Bowden, M. Douglas, K. Farrell, M. Flinn, E. Garcia, K. Gido, A. Helton, T. Harms, S. Jia, J. Jones, L. Koenig, J. Kominoski, W. McDowell, D. McMaster, S. Parker, A. Rosemond, C. Ruffing, K. Sheehan, M. Trentman, M. Whiles, W. Wollheim, and F. Ballantyne. 2018. Continental-scale decrease in net primary productivity in streams due to climate warming. Nature Geoscience 11:415-420.

Ballantyne, F and S. A. Billings. 2018. Model formulation of microbial CO2 production and efficiency can significantly influence short and long term soil C projections. ISME Journal 12:1395–1403.


Medeiros, P. M., M. Seidel, S. M. Gifford, F. Ballantyne, T. Dittmar, W. B. Whitman, and M. A. Moran. 2017. Microbially-mediated transformations of estuarine dissolved organic matter. Frontiers in Marine Science 4:69.


Min*, K, C. A. Lehmeier, F. Ballantyne and S. A. Billings. 2016. Carbon availability modifies temperature responses of heterotrophic microbial respiration, substrate uptake affinity, and uptake 13C discrimination. Frontiers in Microbiology 7:2083.

Billings, S. A., K. Min*, F. Ballantyne, Y. Chen**, and M. Sellers**. 2016. Aging exo-enzymes can create shifting, temperature-dependent resource landscapes for microbes. Biogeochemistry 131:163-172.

Song*, C., W. K. Dodds, J. Ruegg, M. Trentman, and F. Ballantyne. 2016. Methods of approximation influence stream metabolism estimates. Limnology and Oceanography Methods 14:557-569.

Lehmeier, C. A., F. Ballantyne, K. Min*, and S. A. Billings. 2016. Temperature-mediated changes in microbial carbon use efficiency and 13C discrimination. Biogeosciences 13:3319-3329.


Billings, S. A., L. K. Tiemann, F. Ballantyne, C. A. Lehmeier and K. Min*. 2015. Investigating microbial transformations of soil organic matter: synthesizing knowledge from disparate fields to guide new experimentation. SOIL 1:313-330.


Min* K., C. A. Lehmeier, F. Ballantyne, A. Tatarko**, S. A. Billings. 2014. Differential effects of pH on temperature sensitivity of organic carbon and nitrogen decay. Soil Biology and Biochemistry 76:193-200.

Mellard, J., and F. Ballantyne. 2014. Conflict between dynamical and evolutionary stability in simple ecosystems. Theoretical Ecology 7:273-288.

Ballantyne, F. Commentary on classic paper (Taylor, 1961) in Smith, F.A., J.L. Gittleman and J.H. Brown. Foundations of Macroecology. University of Chicago Press.

Song*, C., F. Ballantyne, and V. H. Smith. 2014. Enhanced dissolved organic carbon production in aquatic ecosystems in response to elevated atmospheric CO2. Biogeochemistry 118:49-60.


Rife, A. N., O. Aburto-Oropeza, P. A. Hastings, B. Erisman, F. Ballantyne, J. Wielgus, E. Sala, and L. Gerber. 2013. Long-term effectiveness of a multi-use marine protected area on reef fish assemblages and fisheries landings. Journal of Environmental Management 117:276-283.

Ballantyne, F. 2013. Evaluating model fit to determine if logarithmic transformations are necessary in allometry: a comment on the exchange between Packard (2009) and Kerkhoff & Enquist (2009). The Journal of Theoretical Biology 313:418-421.

Billings, S. A. and F. Ballantyne. 2013. How interactions between microbial resource demands, soil organic matter stoichiometry and substrate reactivity determine the direction and magnitude of soil respiratory responses to warming. Global Change Biology 19:90-102.

Lehmeier, C. A., N. D. Niehues**, K. Min*, F. Ballantyne and S. A. Billings. 2013. Temperature-mediated changes of exoenzyme-substrate reaction rates and their consequences for the carbon to nitrogen flow ratio of liberated resources. Soil Biology and Biochemistry 57:374-382.


Alexander, H. M., B. L. Foster, F. Ballantyne, C. D. Collins, J. Antonovics and R. D. Holt. 2012. Metapopulations and metacommunities: combining spatial and temporal perspectives in plant ecology. Journal of Ecology 100:88-103.


Ballantyne, F., O. M. E. Schofield and S. A. Levin. 2011. The emergence of regularity and variability in marine ecosystems: the combined role of physics, chemistry and biology. Scientia Marina 75(4):719-731.

Menge, D. N. L., F. Ballantyne and J. S. Weitz. 2011. Dynamics of nutrient uptake strategies: lessons from the tortoise and the hare. Theoretical Ecology 4(2):163-177.


Ballantyne, F. and D. Menge and J. S. Weitz. 2010. A discrepancy between predictions of saturating nutrient uptake models and nitrogen to phosphorus stoichiometry in the surface ocean. Limnology and Oceanography 55(3):997-1008.

Thorp, J. H., J. E. Flotemersch, M. D. Delong, A. F. Casper, M. C. Thoms, F. Ballantyne, B. S. Williams, B.J. O‘Neill and C. S. Haase. 2010. Linking Ecosystem Services, Rehabilitation, and River Hydrogeomorphology. Bioscience 60(1):67-74.


Ballantyne, F., D. Menge, A. Ostling and P. Hosseini. 2008. Nutrient recycling affects autotroph and ecosystem stoichiometry. The American Naturalist 171(4):511-523.

Hurlbert, A. H., F. Ballantyne, and S. Powell. 2008. Shaking a leg and hot to trot: the effects of body size and temperature on running speed in ants. Ecological Entomology 33:144-154.


Wielgus, J., F. Ballantyne, E. Sala and L. Gerber. 2007. Viability analysis of reef fish populations based on limited demographic information. Conservation Biology 21(2):447-454.

Ballantyne, F. and A. J. Kerkhoff. 2007. The observed range for temporal mean-variance scaling exponents can be explained by reproductive correlation. Oikos 116:174-180.


Ballantyne, F. 2005. The upper limit for the exponent of Taylor's power law is a consequence of deterministic population growth. Evolutionary Ecology Research 7(8):1213-1220.

Ballantyne, F. and A. J. Kerkhoff. 2005. Reproductive correlation and mean-variance scaling of reproductive output for a forest model. The Journal of Theoretical Biology 235(3):373-380.

Gerber, L., S. Heppell, F. Ballantyne and E. Sala. 2005. The Use of Life History Information in Managing Marine Protected Areas in the Gulf of California. The Canadian Journal of Fisheries and Aquatic Sciences 62(4):863-871.


Ballantyne, F. 2004. The relative importance of herbivory and carnivory on the distribution of energy in a stochastic tri-trophic food web. Journal of Theoretical Biology 226(3):349-357.


Kerkhoff, A. J. and F. Ballantyne. 2003. The scaling of reproductive variability in trees. Ecology Letters 6(9):850-856.


Losey, J. E., A. R. Ives, J. Harmon, F. Ballantyne and C. Brown. 1997. A polymorphism maintained by opposite patterns of parasitism and predation. Nature 388(6639):269-271.