Ballantyne Lab


Graduate Students

Students interested in theoretical, lab, and field-based approaches in ecology are encouraged to apply. I continually strive to maintain a diverse, dynamic lab group with a broad range or research interests, experience and expertise. We have established an experimental/field research program to complement the development of ecological models and theory. Our goal is to address big picture questions in ecology using a combination of mathematical models, statistical analysis of data and experimentation. Scaling, community structure and ecosystem nutrient dynamics are the current foci of research but students with other interests are encouraged to join the group.

Please take the time to read about our research and contact me if you think you might be interested in joining the lab or would like more information (fb4 [at] uga [dot] edu). Also, consult the Odum School Graduate Admissions Website for details about the application process and the Odum School Website to learn more about programs and department resources.

Undergraduate Students

There are often opportunities for undergraduates in the lab. Students looking for research experience in the field, lab or with modeling should email me (fb4 [at] uga [dot] edu) for more information.